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Happy learners, great achievers

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National Curriculum Subject Information

The information below shows the content of our school curriculum for this academic year for all National Curriculum subjects as well as Religious Education. If you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact Jill King, Headteacher via the school office (01252 872601,

The curriculum statements detail our intent, how we implement our intent and how we measure the impact of teaching and learning.

We have created Progressions of skills and knowledge (PoSK) for all National Curriculum subjects and Religious Education. Our PoSK detail where we want children to be at given points. You can see what is covered in each year group in all the subjects. These support teachers in ensuring learning is:

-progressive with high quality learning outcomes;

-linked to developmental stages;

-appropriately challenging.

When devising PoSK  we have:

  • Looked at the purpose of each National Curriculum subject and identified essential disciplinary knowledge and skills
  • Identified concepts within the subject to ensure a conceptual thread running through PoSK. Children  repeatedly encounter these concepts in different contexts enabling depth of learning over time
  • Identified subject specific vocabulary
  • Ensured the PoSK prepare children for their next stage in education

As a result of the impact of lock downs on learning, we have reviewed our planned, sequenced curriculum to priortise missed content (skills, knowledge, vocabulary, concepts) that will allow our pupils to make sense of later work in the curriculum.

Our curriculum planning and adjustments are informed by:

  • An understanding of the critical content for progression in each subject
  • What pupils do and do not know

The document below details these adjustments for 2021/22:
