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Happy learners, great achievers

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Prospective Parents

School tours for new parents

We are delighted to share with you the Open Day sessions for new parents enrolling their child for September 2025. We hope that our website gives you a really good insight of our school and the amazing learning that takes place.


Please refer to the poster below for set dates and times.


Please contact the school office on 01252 872601 or, if you wish to contact the school to ask questions or receive more information. We will be delighted to help.

Tour of our school

Still image for this video
Read our A to Z to help you find out more about starting reception...

Year R

If you have a child who will be due to start school at the beginning of the next school year, you must apply for a place for them even if you want them to attend your local Primary or Infant School. You can apply online via Hampshire Admissions.


In September 2023 the Published Admission Number (PAN) will enable 60 children to be admitted to the Reception Class. This is the maximum number of children who can be accepted for Year R except in very special circumstances. It is therefore important that parents or carers of prospective pupils submit their applications by the published deadline. Late applications can only be considered if there are still places available. Children with parents or carers living in the catchment area will normally be given priority over those outside the catchment area but only if their application is submitted before the published closing date.


Children of parents and carers living outside the catchment area may be offered a place if spaces are available.


If you are unsure whether you are in this area, you can check by entering your postcode into the Hampshire School Catchment Area Finder at the following link:

For more information regarding our school please contact us at the school office.

