School Information
School year 2023/24 information
School Day
Class | Drop off time | Pick up time | Where to pick up and drop off | PE Days (to come into school dressed in PE kit) |
Van Gogh | 8.40am | 3.15pm | Year R Playground | Monday & Thursday |
Monet | 8.40am | 3.15pm | Year R Playground | Monday & Thursday |
Moore | 8.40am | 3.15pm | Outside Class on playground | Monday & Wednesday |
Hepworth | 8.40am | 3.15pm | Outside Class on playground | Monday & Wednesday |
McKenzie | 8.40am | 3.15pm | Outside Class on playground | Tuesday & Wednesday |
Joolama | 8.40am | 3.15pm | Outside Class on playground | Tuesday & Wednesday |
10:15 – 10:30 Break
We provide all children with a piece of fruit. Children can bring in their own fruit if they prefer.
12:00 – 01:00pm Lunch
A team of lunchtime assistants managed by Jill King, Headteacher supervises the lunchtime break. Most children have lunch at school by either:
- Having a free school dinner- there is no charge at infant school. Healthy, balanced meals are cooked on the premises and menus are on our school website. Their choice of dinner is taken daily at morning registration time. It is useful to discuss the choices for the day with your child, so they know what they wish to order.
- Bringing a packed lunch - If you are sending a packed lunch, please ensure that the food and drink is carried in an appropriate container and is marked with your child’s name. Kindly note that fizzy drinks and sweets are not permitted and we are a nut & kiwi free school. Please have a look at for healthy lunchbox ideas.
Year R
Van Gogh Miss Simpson/Mrs Taylor Monet Mrs Small/Miss Nottage
Year 1
Hepworth Miss Blackall Moore Miss Williams
Year 2
Joolama Mrs Buck McKenzie Mrs Brooks/Mrs Heap
Other useful information
The school office is open 8:30am - 3:30pm.
Telephone number: 01252872601 Email:
TheSchoolApp: Please ensure you have have visited to find out how to download TheSchoolApp, as this is our form of communication with parents/carers. If any of your contact details change, please inform the school office as soon as possible.
Time off school
Time off school can only be authorised for exceptional circumstances. A request form is available from the School office. Parents should make every effort to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time. Hampshire has a policy of issuing Penalty Notices (fines) when unauthorised absence meets key thresholds- please see our policies tab for more information.
Please inform the school office on the first day of illness. If your child requires regular medication (e.g. asthma inhaler) or needs to complete a course of prescribed medicine, we are able to supervise their administration. Please ask at the school office for a medicine form and ensure that all medicines are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please note we are unable to administer non prescription medicines.
Please ensure that prescription medicines are in their original container. If medicines are in dose frequencies, it is helpful that they are taken outside of school hours where possible e.g. medicines needed to be taken three times a day can be taken at breakfast time, after school and at bedtime.