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Happy learners, great achievers

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Pupil Premium

At Frogmore Infants, we use a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending which aligns with the DfE's strategy template:

  • Tier 1: High quality teaching
  • Tier 2: Targeted academic support
  • Tier 3: Wider strategies


At Frogmore Infants, we have high expectations for all of our pupils, including those eligible for Pupil Premium funding. We prioritise building on our children's starting points and secure prior learning when designing our curriculum, school improvement plan and pupil premium strategy. We use a range of tools to:

  • access secure learning so ensure staff are able to identify what pupils have retained
  • compare their attainment to age related expectations
  • identify barriers to learning


Once we have diagnosed our pupils' needs, we use external evidence e.g. research evidence, to inform the writing of our Pupil Premium strategy. We view the implementation of our strategy as a staged process that takes time, rather than a one-off event, and plan our strategy over three years. To ensure that our strategy is being implemented effectively, we monitor it's progress and carry out ongoing evaluation of pupils' attainment, barriers to learning and needs. We do not assume that strategies which have been effective in one year will continue to be effective in another. We strive for continuous improvement for all pupils underpinned by the highest of expectations for all pupils. 



Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and Catch Up Premium, how we allocate the funding and impact of previous year's spending:
