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Happy learners, great achievers

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Our Self-evaluation Framework

At Frogmore Infant School our Self-evaluation Framework sets out our ambitious criteria for achieving our school vision. This requires a sustained focus on improving educational outcomes for all pupils. The framework provides a robust tool to engage in evidence based analysis of what is working well and what needs to improve. We recognise that self-evaluation is an ongoing process of reflection and evaluation where outcomes are used to plan future improvements.


The framework consists of four key objectives supported by a number of strategies designed to identify clear drivers towards meeting our objectives.

All pupils make outstanding progress



1.1 Ensure all lesson planning is highly effective

1.11 Consistent implementation of Curriculum Statement

  • Staff are able to talk about rationale, design and ongoing development of the school’s curriculum  with very good understanding of school’s curriculum statement- intent, implementation, impact

1.12 Teaching expectations for all pupils are high

  • Teaching is pitched ambitiously for all groups of learners
  • There is an assumption that all pupils can succeed and  staff lead pupils to believe they can reach the highest of standards

1.13 Teaching is  planned to meet individual needs

  • Planning/teaching is responsive to the learning needs of all pupils at all times
  • Tasks, activities and resources are effectively differentiated and provide appropriate pace and challenge for all pupils including disadvantaged pupils, SEND
  • Planning/teaching is adjusted in light of pupil progress/ understanding
  • Staff are clear about what pupils should know/be able to do by end of session/over learning journey
  • Staff are confident about  how and when it is appropriate to divert from plan
  • Information about children’s learning/achievements/home life is used effectively to ensure continuity in learning

1.14 Plan for knowledge, skills and understanding

  • Staff have deep subject knowledge, are able to understand the ways pupils think about the content and evaluate pupils’ thinking and identify common misconceptions
  • Schemes of work are planned in advance for a sequence of learning tasks and activities suitable for the specific learning objectives. Lesson design is flexible to allow for emerging learning opportunities
  • Schemes of work make effective use of progression of skills and knowledge and clearly detail learning expectations for unit of work, identify possible misconceptions, detail key vocabulary and link to prior learning
  • Schemes of work reflect KNAC model
  • Staff ensure learning is sequenced effectively with sufficient opportunities to revisit key ideas and encourage connections
  • Planning/teaching takes account of what pupils already know and can do
  • Planning includes teacher identifying and thoroughly preparing resources tailored to suit specific learning objectives and individual pupil’s needs

1.15 Contexts of lessons support learning and promotes pupil engagement

  • Learning is made relevant, meaningful and engaging through a purposeful context that hooks pupils’ interest and attention
  • Effective use is made of first-hand experience
  • Learning is often investigative
  • Links are made with previous learning, experiences and other curriculum areas
  • Learning relates to the real world
  • A range of well-judged and inspirational teaching styles is used effectively to support the learning context. Staff model enthusiasm and enjoyment in learning and create a learning environment where pupils are self-motivated to engage in, extend and enjoy their learning
  • Planned opportunities to publish/perform/create/produce

1.16 Selection and use of teaching strategies appropriate to learning and pupils’ needs

  • Staff strategically select and use approaches to match the learning objective of the lesson, meet the learning needs of pupils, and open up further learning opportunities
  • Staff deliver highly effective instruction which is directed at eliciting deep pupil engagement.
  • Staff skillfully manage their own input to optimise pupil participation and response
  • Staff use a range of questioning techniques effectively for a variety of purposes including stimulating substantial pupil responses, facilitating deeper engagement with lesson content and extending learning beyond the lesson
  • Lines of questioning are pursued skillfully to deepen thinking
  • Higher order questioning extends learning
  • High quality demonstration and modelling of skills and processes exemplify and scaffold the learning process
  • Staff meaningfully differentiate content and activities in order to ensure that all pupils (including SEND, PP) are challenged by the learning activities and experience success as learners
  • Staff integrate relevant literacy and numeracy skills into the fabric of the lesson
  • Staff enable pupils to make meaningful links between lesson material and their learning in other subjects and to transfer their learning to unfamiliar experiences

1.17 Visibility of learning journey

  • Learning environment models the feedback expectations and acts as a direct reference point for pupils
  • Learning sequence identifies examples of excellence and demonstrates what a good one looks like
  • Multiple models of quality outcomes are provided and continuously referred to, to show children where they are heading
  • Lessons contain adult modelling and exemplify best practice from children
  • All lessons have well planned learning objectives and success criteria
  • Plan how modelling will capture the  learning journey and expected outcomes
  • Effective use of working walls -  provide a visual resource and a reference to scaffold learning/ represent learning in progress/ children’s understanding of the process of learning/ model essential concepts, processes and vocabulary
  • Plan, display and teach language/vocabulary pupils will use, ensure accurate/effective definitions
  • Exhibit pupils’ work and explicitly link this work to learning intentions
  • Pupils’ enjoyment of learning is evident and arises from a sense of making progress and of achievement. Their engagement with learning contributes to their sense of wellbeing
  • Pupils are motivated to learn through having a clear sense of attainable and challenging learning outcomes
  • Pupils demonstrate very high levels of interest and participation in learning; they are able to persist with increasingly challenging work
  • Pupils are confident to ask relevant questions, extend answers and challenge thinking of others
  • Pupils are confident in the accurate use of subject specific vocabulary
  • Pupils’ books provide evidence of a pride in learning and capture the learning journey
  • The pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding for the specific subjects of the curriculum are at a very good standard
  • Pupils outcomes are very high across the curriculum


1.2 Highly effective use of feedback and assessment

1.21 Highly effective use of evidence to shape progress

  • Assessment of pupils’ learning is accurate, is focused on next steps and is consistently used to inform planning
  • Use of pre-assessment tasks to assess prior learning/identify misconceptions/gaps in skills and knowledge to decide upon relevant challenging starting points for all pupils
  • The progress of individuals and groups is tracked and analysed regularly
  • Stuck[BM2]  and stalled pupils are identified quickly, and effectively supported
  • Pupils’ work shows regular, specific and focused feedback from Staff and evidence of pupils’ self-evaluation
  • Thorough and detailed grasp of progressions, programmes of study and learning policy

1.22 Effective feedback

  • Is planned for in advance
  • Effective feedback and staff intervention facilitate rapid progress
  • Timely intervention and feedback matches pupils’ needs and moves learning forward
  • Feedback is focused on the next steps in learning
  • Mini plenaries are used in lessons to provide appropriate feedback
  • There are regular opportunities for pupils to consider and respond to feedback
  • Staff attribute pupil success to effort rather than ability and value resilience
  • Staff share success criteria with pupils so that they can assess their own learning through self-assessment and peer assessment, and identify strengths, areas for improvement and strategies to achieve improvement
  • Staff ensure pupils are confident in use of learning checklists and colour marking to enable a deep understanding of strengths and next steps

1.23 Effective questioning

  • Use of incidental and planned questioning guides and facilitates deep learning
  • Promotes discussion, talk for learning, builds connections and interests
  • Use of timely interventions, reshaping of tasks to impact on pupils’ learning
  • Lines of questioning are pursued skillfully to deepen thinking
  • Higher order questioning extends learning
  • Pupils have high expectations of themselves
  • Pupils are confident in use of learning checklists and colour marking to enable a deep understanding of strengths and next steps
  • All pupils participate enthusiastically and respond well to learning questions. They speak with confidence and enthusiasm about the progress they have made and can identify learning successes and next steps. Pupils can refer to evidence in their books
  • Pupils are proud of their learning and share the school’s high expectations.
  • Pupils produce work they are proud of 
  • Pupils learn collaboratively, challenge each other and value critical feedback
  • Pupils contribute their opinions and experiences to class discussion with confidence They are respectful of and interested in the opinions and experiences of their peers
  • They ask questions and suggest possible solutions very confidently. They are willing to risk incorrect responses, and understand the value of making mistakes, using them as learning opportunities




1.3 Rigorous evaluation of impact of teaching on learning

1.31 Teaching is ambitious and staff continually seek improvements

  • Staff accept responsibility for pupil outcomes
  • Change is embraced and challenged professionally
  • Staff take responsibility for improving own teaching through appropriate professional learning, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues
  • Staff reflect on their own practice and work collaboratively with others to build their capacity to meet the needs of all pupils
  • Effective analysis of individual children’s progress- barriers to learning/gaps/next steps identified
  • Effective evaluation of interventions/approaches to T&L
  • Staff welcome the robust monitoring of Governors as part of their evaluation of impact on learning

1.32 Leaders ensure the schools’ education has a positive impact on all pupils  

  • Establish consistency in teaching and learning across the whole school leading to high levels of progress and attainment
  • All pupil groups make excellent progress in their learning
  • Quality of Teaching is a regular agenda item at governing board meetings, and is rigorously scrutinised to sustain high levels of attainment and progress
  • Governors set high expectations for quality of teaching and hold the headteacher to account for robust staff appraisal

1.33 Self evaluation is a evident and impacts on pupil outcomes

  • Staff know own teaching strengths and development areas and  proactively  make improvements
  • Staff take responsibility for improving own teaching, learning and behaviour through professional dialgoue, responding to feedback and own personal development
  • Leaders engender a culture of professional debate and developmental lesson observation; share good practice
  • All pupils make excellent progress across all areas of the curriculum


1.4 Rigorous and sequential approach to the teaching of reading

1.41 Phonics provision is highly effective

  • Phonics is taught consistently in line with school guidelines
  • Outcomes from Y1 phonic screening are above national averages

1.42 Guided reading provision is highly effective

  • Guided reading is taught consistently in line with school guidelines
  • Outcomes from Y2 teacher assessments are well above national averages

1.43 Class libraries promote a quality reading experience

  • Area is attractive and obviously a class library with a defined space with comfortable seating. 
  • Books are changed by the children each half term and reflect the current topic and personal interests.
  • Books reflect the cultural and general reading/learning need and abilities of the children in the class.
  • The class library is used as a planned sequence of learning, not just as a finishing activity
  • The environment is well organised (labelled fiction/non-fiction), tidy and of high quality resources (no shabby books). It gives the impression of high status and well cared for. 
  • Focus displays are changed regularly e.g. author of the half term/ book of the week. Include class author in topic newsletter.
  • Involve children in the management of the area, shelves tidied daily.

1.44 A range of reading activities is used to teach reading skills and promote enjoyment of reading

  • Teachers ensure high quality access to school library, year group key texts, class library, shared, reading, class books, poetry/non-fiction/fiction, pre teach topic boxes
  • Shared reading/modelled reading encourages children to love books and to develop an understanding of authorial
  • Intent
  • Stakeholders, including governors, are sometimes involved in reading to promote the joy of reading
  • Pupils enjoy reading and reading related activities
  • All pupils make excellent progress in reading and attainment is well above national averages
  • Pupils confidently apply their reading skills across the curriculum


100% of pupils and parents feel and are safe and happy at the school



2.1 Consistent behaviour management in line with school’s behaviour policy

2.11 Effective behaviour management by all staff

  • Staff ensure consistent and fair application of Behaviour Policy
  • Staff regularly reinforce school learning  values in all aspects of school life
  • Staff ensure consistent application of IBMP targets with rigorous review and action planning taking place leading to demonstrable improvement
  • Staff create an inclusive, orderly, pupil centered learning environment based on mutual respect, affirmation and trust, in which pupils regulate and monitor their own behaviour
  • Staff have high expectations of pupils’ work and behaviour, communicate these expectations effectively to pupils, and facilitate pupils in internalising them.
  • A strong focus on attendance and punctuality so that disruption is minimised
  • Disruptions to learning are rare, including low level

2.12 All staff model highly effective/respectful relationships at all times

  • Staff model positive behaviours continuously and professionally to build a climate of trust
  • Interactions among pupils and between pupils and teacher are very respectful and positive, and conducive to well-being
  • Relationships and interactions in classrooms and learning areas create and sustain a cooperative, affirming and productive learning environment

2.13 Bullying is not tolerated by staff, pupils or governors

  • Staff ensure PSHE provision is highly effective
  • There is a positive and respectful environment where bullying is not tolerated
  • If bullying, aggression, discrimination or derogatory language were to occur, it is dealt with quickly and effectively and is not allowed to spread.
  • Pupils have a good understanding of The Green Code
  • Pupils have good manners and take pride in their school
  • Pupils consistently have positive attitudes and commitment to learning
  • Pupils are highly motivated and persistent in the face of difficulties
  • Pupils behave with high levels of respect for others and support the well-being of others
  • Pupils have the skills to modify and adapt their behaviour when required, and recognise the need to do so themselves
  • Pupils feel confident in asking for help
  • Pupils and parents have a clear understanding of what constitutes bullying
  • Pupils and parents trust that the school will deal effectively with incidents of bullying
  • Pupils with IBMPs succeed with their education


2.2 Pupils understand how to keep themselves/others safe at all times

2.21 Effective curriculum provision for keeping safe

  • Staff ensure that SoW detail clear expectations in line with PSHE/Computing Progression of Skills and Knowledge
  • Assembly planning is linked to PSHE/Computing expectations
  • Evaluation of provision and impact by PSHE/Computing curriculum leaders

Pupils have age appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding

  • Pupils know, use and understand safety skills in line with Computing Progression of Skills and Knowledge
  • Pupils know, use and understand safety skills in line with PSHE Progression of Skills and Knowledge
  • Pupils have a good understanding of the Green Code


2.3 Comply fully with safeguarding/H&S requirements and act quickly and robustly upon findings

2.31 Effective ethos to ensure effective safeguarding

  • Staff embrace an open, transparent, supportive and respectful ethos

2.32 Effective procedures in place to ensure effective safeguarding provision 

  • HCC Safeguarding Audit- all requirements are in place
  • School safeguarding audit- all requirements are in place
  • SLT and governance monitoring of SCR- all requirements in place
  • DSL minutes show robust and timely approach to monitoring of actions
  • Rigorous annual review of relevant statutory and advisory policies by both staff and governors
  • Safeguarding is a regular agenda item at board meetings to ensure ongoing compliance of policy into practice
  • Evidence of safer recruitment procedures followed at all times
  • Ongoing programme of training/staff learning – regular and updated. Supported by signed evidence and minutes
  • Staff show an excellent understanding of policies and procedures
  • Governance undertakes regular training cascaded to all GB

2.33 Effective procedures in place to ensure effective H&S provision

  • Timetabled review of policies, risk assessments
  • HCC HT Checklist for H&S- all requirements are in place
  • H&S minutes show completion of annual planner tasks and robust approach to monitoring of actions
  • Staff show an excellent understanding of policies and procedures

2.34 Pupils are supervised effectively at all times

  • Staff implement Off Site visits Policy when leaving school site, monitored by governors
  • Pupils are safe at all times
  • Pupils are able to contribute to risk assessments
  • Pupils know how to be responsible
  • Pupils feel safe and know what to do when they don’t





Strong leadership shapes our culture of excellence



3.1 Highly effective management and school improvement planning

Culture of school improvement and desire for excellence

  • Leadership and management work together to create a culture of excellence where children achieve the best possible outcomes
  • Staff and governors collaborate on school improvement; they evaluate performance regularly, agree priorities and performance indicators and monitor these robustly
  • Self-evaluation is seen as the responsibility of all stakeholders
  • Staff and governors understand the importance of demonstrating the impact of self-evaluation in relation to the outcomes for all learners

Highly effective management and leadership plans are in place

  • The CoG, Headteacher, Senior Admin Officer and SLT ensure that effective plans are in place for the current academic year including Governors’ Annual Planner, School Organisational Plan, Safeguarding Provision,  SSE and improvement plan, timetables, agendas, job descriptions, H&S task planner, audits etc. 



3.2 Focus on leadership skills and professional learning

Highly effective leadership at all levels

  • Senior leaders ensure there are clear criteria for leadership expectations at all stages of career development
  • Senior leaders ensure that staff are given opportunities to develop leadership skills in line with leadership expectations
  • Senior leaders build on the skills and talents of individuals to build leadership capacity
  • Governors undertake rigorous monitoring visits to focus on subject leadership skills in all school areas; their challenges are welcomed by staff

Highly effective curriculum leaders

  • Take full accountability for pupils’ standards and  progress within a subject and hold others to account
  • Ensure consistent focus on high pupil achievement
  • Ensure high quality of teaching and learning within the  subject
  • Use a wide range of monitoring strategies to monitor progress
  • Ensure actions on subject plan are completed and impact evaluated
  • Are collaborative, proactive in advising and supporting colleagues in curriculum planning and delivery

Continuing professional learning and performance management processes are highly valued


  • Strong recognition from all staff that our work focuses on improving outcomes for children
  • Leaders ensure that staff receive focused and highly effective professional learning; governors hold the head teacher to account for rigorous performance management of staff
  • There is a strong consistency in staff’s subject knowledge and pedagogy which leads to improvements in the teaching of the curriculum
  • Professional learning activities are clearly linked to the results of self-evaluation and identified areas for improvement

Staff value and engage in professional learning and collaboration

  • Staff recognise and affirm continuing professional learning and collaboration as intrinsic to their work
  • Governance consistently supports staff training and CPL
  • Staff use formal meeting and planning time to reflect together on their work
  • Staff identify and engage in CPL that develops their own practice, meets the needs of pupils and the school, and enhances collective practice
  • Staff view collaboration as a means to improve pupil learning and to enhance their own professional learning
  • Staff collectively agree and implement whole-school approaches to teaching and learning to improve pupils’ experiences and outcomes
  • There is a desire to support, learn from and collaborate with other schools and a recognition that continuous improvement benefits children across our school and in other schools



3.3 The rigour and accuracy of self-evaluation secures continual improvement

3.31 Leaders ensure all stakeholders are clear about their responsibilities

  • Self-evaluation is integral to how we work and is an ongoing feature of school life
  • All stakeholders understand that effective self-evaluation is focused on making a positive, measurable and significant different to the quality of teaching and to the learning of pupils
  • Leaders ensure a clearly defined school self-evaluation framework is in place which drives self-evaluation against key criteria for success
  • Leaders ensure all staff have clearly defined SMART PM targets, responsibilities and task planners
  • Governors have clearly defined roles of responsibility with specific tasks and duties to perform

3.32 Self-evaluation is accurate and timely

  • School draws upon a wide range of self-evaluation tools to triangulate evidence, including governance monitoring reports, LLP visit
  • Self-evaluation is iterative and  facilitates repeated cycles of analysis
  • Senior leaders ensure appropriateness of self-evaluation activities  and that they lead to improvements in pupils’ learning
  • Governors undertake annual self-evaluation to determine ongoing improvement in governance. Action plan annually reviewed to extend capacity

3.33 The school community has a shared understanding of the strengths and improvement needs of the school

  • Senior leaders ensure an up to date self-evaluation framework shared with all stakeholders
  • Staff make effective use of up-to-date research/data/learning outcomes to inform their learning and developments
  • Governors undertake training and research through the KEY to enable strong contribution to school improvement
  • Governors are fully informed of all school performance and hold HT to account appropriately




3.4 High levels of staff and pupil wellbeing

3.41 Staff, parents and pupils feel that their contribution to the school is valued  

  • Staff consistently report high levels of support for well-being issues
  • Staff absence is low
  • Leaders protect staff from bullying and harassment
  • Parents consistently report high levels of care and response to needs
  • Governors persistently challenge the appropriateness of staff workload and attend to staff morale

3.42 Effective transition arrangements in place

  • Transition arrangements take full account of individual pupil’s needs
  • Transition arrangements are planned in advance and communicated effectively to all stakeholders
  • Pupils enjoy coming to school
  • Pupils show high levels of attendance and low levels of lateness, persistent absence
  • Pupils enjoy their learning and feel well prepared for transitions


 Our ethos of happy learners inspires great achievers and independent learning for life



4.1 Outstanding curriculum/extra-curricular provision

4.11 Curriculum intent is ambitious

  • Staff hold the highest of expectations for all curriculum areas enabling all pupil groups to make the best possible progress
  • The school’s curriculum is ambitious for all pupils
  • There are strong, shared values, policies and practice

4.12 Curriculum intent is relevant and appropriate

  • The school’s curriculum incorporates the National Curriculum, Living Difference, PSHE, SMSC, RSE, British Values  
  • Staff have a clear and consistent understanding of the school’s curriculum intent and what it means in practice 
  • It is clear what end points the curriculum is building towards and what pupils need to know and be able to do to reach those end points. The curriculum enables the evaluation of pupil knowledge and skills against the expectations.
  • The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced to consistently match the aims of the curriculum and so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards its clearly defined end points
  • Pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences including extra-curricular activities
  • Opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests are of exceptional quality 
  • The curriculum reflects the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills
  • There is high ambition for all pupils, and the school does not offer disadvantaged pupils or pupils with SEND a reduced curriculum
  • Pupils’ work across the curriculum is consistently of a high standard/quality
  • Pupils’ work across the curriculum is consistently of a high quality
  • Pupils show age appropriate learning values
  • Pupils consistently achieve highly, particularly the most disadvantaged. Pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well
  • Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and, as a result, achieve well. This is reflected in results from national tests
  • Pupils are ready for the next stage of education. They have the knowledge and skills they need. Pupils are able to read at an age appropriate level or beyond
  • Pupils have the ability to be reflective about their own beliefs and perspective on life


4.2 Positive, inclusive school ethos and culture

4.21 Positive, respectful school culture where staff know and care about pupils

  • All staff implement the Equality Policy, SEND Policy
  • All staff  show respect for all pupils regardless of their background, ability and aptitude
  • Staff work effectively as a team. There is a strong ethos of sharing practice, and of peer support and challenge
  • Parents are confident that problems will be dealt with and feedback given

4.22 Strong pupil voice

  • Pupils’ contributions and questions are encouraged and respected in the classroom and throughout the school
  • Pupil plays, performances are highly valued by all stakeholders
  • Pupils can articulate their views about their learning across the curriculum

4.23 Pupils understand how to be responsible, respectful and active citizens

  • Pupils have a range of  high quality experiences throughout their time in school to make a difference e.g. Helping Hands
  • Pupils are able to take on a range of responsibilities in class and through the curriculum

4.24 Environment effectively supports learning

  • The environment is used as a resource to model excellent learning and promote school values
  • The school provides a clean, tidy and well organised environment
  • The environment stimulates thinking and promotes language through artefacts, high quality displays, quality books and well organised spaces
  • Provides learning prompts, resources, models and information which children can use to support learning
  • Displays key learning sequences being taught (working walls)
  • Contains examples of adult/pupil reflection and feedback
  • Learning environment serves as a continual reference point in lessons/refreshed to reflect current and new learning
  • Pupils feel confident in approaching staff for help
  • All pupils have an opportunity to take responsibility in school activities
  • Pupils understand, appreciate and respect difference and are able to celebrate things we share in common


4.3 Pupils understand their needs as a learner

Pupils understand how they learn (metacognition)

  • I can plan and review my learning
  • I know how to judge whether I am on track with my learning
  • I know when and how to ask for help
  • I understand learning zones

Pupils are self-reflective learners

  • I can make improvements
  • I can learn from my mistakes
  • I can talk about my best work
  • I can ask questions to help me learn
  • I can use colour marking and learning checklists
  • I can ask for and give feedback
  • I am able to think about and understand my learning

Pupils are curious learners

  • I can wonder why
  • I can ask great questions
  • I can use good words to say what I’ve noticed
  • I want to know more
  • I can talk about what amazes me
  • I love learning new things

Pupils are persistent learners

  • I always try my best– I don’t give up
  • I can learn from my mistakes
  • I can resist distractions
  • I know what to do when I am stuck
  • I can cope with not knowing the answer
  • I can feel proud of myself and of others
  • I believe I can get better at things
  • I keep going when things are difficult

Pupil are independent learners

  • I know how to be responsible
  • I can use thinking language
  • I can plan, do and review my learning
  • I can confidently tackle new challenges
  • I can model good learning behaviours

Pupils are collaborative learners

  • I know how to share, take turns
  • I know what it means to be a good friend
  • I show respect
  • I can learn from and with others
  • I can work well in a group
  • I can explain what I have learnt from others
  • I can improve my learning based on the views of others



4.4 Development and promotion of effective partnerships

4.41 Use of partners beyond the school

  • Staff actively seek out partnerships to support children’s academic, emotional, social and health development
  • School engages with Sharp Alliance
  • Chair of governors engages with COG cluster group

4.42 Parents are highly effective partners in their child’s learning

  • Staff work very effectively with parents to support pupils’ learning
  • Staff use parent-teacher meetings and other communication with parents very constructively to support parents’ meaningful involvement in their children’s education and development as learners and so parents are provided with meaningful information regarding their child’s progress

4.43 Governors carry out their responsibilities well

  • Governors monitoring framework is applied timely and robustly;  meeting with staff forms effective professional relationships and results in detailed reports
  • Chair and Head Teacher have strong working relationship based on mutual openness and transparency, shared beliefs and culture



