Our Self-evaluation Framework
At Frogmore Infant School our Self-evaluation Framework sets out our ambitious criteria for achieving our school vision. This requires a sustained focus on improving educational outcomes for all pupils. The framework provides a robust tool to engage in evidence based analysis of what is working well and what needs to improve. We recognise that self-evaluation is an ongoing process of reflection and evaluation where outcomes are used to plan future improvements.
The framework consists of four key objectives supported by a number of strategies designed to identify clear drivers towards meeting our objectives.
All pupils make outstanding progress
1.1 Ensure all lesson planning is highly effective |
1.11 Consistent implementation of Curriculum Statement |
1.12 Teaching expectations for all pupils are high |
1.13 Teaching is planned to meet individual needs |
1.14 Plan for knowledge, skills and understanding |
1.15 Contexts of lessons support learning and promotes pupil engagement |
1.16 Selection and use of teaching strategies appropriate to learning and pupils’ needs |
1.17 Visibility of learning journey |
1.2 Highly effective use of feedback and assessment |
1.21 Highly effective use of evidence to shape progress |
1.22 Effective feedback |
1.23 Effective questioning |
1.3 Rigorous evaluation of impact of teaching on learning |
1.31 Teaching is ambitious and staff continually seek improvements |
1.32 Leaders ensure the schools’ education has a positive impact on all pupils |
1.33 Self evaluation is a evident and impacts on pupil outcomes |
1.4 Rigorous and sequential approach to the teaching of reading |
1.41 Phonics provision is highly effective |
1.42 Guided reading provision is highly effective |
1.43 Class libraries promote a quality reading experience |
1.44 A range of reading activities is used to teach reading skills and promote enjoyment of reading |
100% of pupils and parents feel and are safe and happy at the school
2.1 Consistent behaviour management in line with school’s behaviour policy |
2.11 Effective behaviour management by all staff |
2.12 All staff model highly effective/respectful relationships at all times |
2.13 Bullying is not tolerated by staff, pupils or governors |
2.2 Pupils understand how to keep themselves/others safe at all times |
2.21 Effective curriculum provision for keeping safe |
Pupils have age appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding
2.3 Comply fully with safeguarding/H&S requirements and act quickly and robustly upon findings |
2.31 Effective ethos to ensure effective safeguarding |
2.32 Effective procedures in place to ensure effective safeguarding provision |
2.33 Effective procedures in place to ensure effective H&S provision |
2.34 Pupils are supervised effectively at all times |
Strong leadership shapes our culture of excellence
3.1 Highly effective management and school improvement planning |
Culture of school improvement and desire for excellence |
Highly effective management and leadership plans are in place |
3.2 Focus on leadership skills and professional learning |
Highly effective leadership at all levels |
Highly effective curriculum leaders |
Continuing professional learning and performance management processes are highly valued
Staff value and engage in professional learning and collaboration |
3.3 The rigour and accuracy of self-evaluation secures continual improvement |
3.31 Leaders ensure all stakeholders are clear about their responsibilities |
3.32 Self-evaluation is accurate and timely |
3.33 The school community has a shared understanding of the strengths and improvement needs of the school |
3.4 High levels of staff and pupil wellbeing |
3.41 Staff, parents and pupils feel that their contribution to the school is valued |
3.42 Effective transition arrangements in place |
Our ethos of happy learners inspires great achievers and independent learning for life
4.1 Outstanding curriculum/extra-curricular provision |
4.11 Curriculum intent is ambitious |
4.12 Curriculum intent is relevant and appropriate |
4.2 Positive, inclusive school ethos and culture |
4.21 Positive, respectful school culture where staff know and care about pupils |
4.22 Strong pupil voice |
4.23 Pupils understand how to be responsible, respectful and active citizens |
4.24 Environment effectively supports learning |
4.3 Pupils understand their needs as a learner |
Pupils understand how they learn (metacognition) |
Pupils are self-reflective learners |
Pupils are curious learners |
Pupils are persistent learners |
Pupil are independent learners |
Pupils are collaborative learners |
4.4 Development and promotion of effective partnerships |
4.41 Use of partners beyond the school |
4.42 Parents are highly effective partners in their child’s learning |
4.43 Governors carry out their responsibilities well |