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Happy learners, great achievers

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School Uniform

Parents/carers are encouraged to send their child to school in school uniform and can select from the following list (can be purchased from any clothing supplier/supermarket):

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • White polo shirt or blouse
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo available through the Gooddies website or PTA)
  • Waterproof coat
  • Black school shoes
  • Book bag (with logo available through the Gooddies website or PTA)

In Summer:

  • Blue and white gingham dresses
  • Grey shorts
  • White polo shirt

PE Kit:

  • Black/Navy Blue Shorts
  • Black/Navy Blue Jogging bottoms (for outside PE)
  • House Colour T- Shirt (Colour/House allocated when starting at the school)
  • Trainers/Plimsolls
  • School Sweatshirt/Cardigan
  • Sun Hat in Summer Term


Year R only: Please provide a pair of Wellington boots for your child. These should be named and stay in school.


Please note that any generic uniform is acceptable. 


PTA Pre-loved uniform:

Our PTA have a selection of winter and summer pre-loved uniform at reduced prices (with school logo and without) for sale, which is available from the school office and at PTA sale events. Please feel free to visit their website for the prices


Please ensure all clothing and personal belongings are marked with your child’s name.


Only small, plain hairbands and clips are appropriate for school.

No jewellery should be worn apart from a plain stud in each ear.

No clothing accessories eg. braces, belts should be worn in school.

If you have any queries with any of the above, please contact the school office or your class teacher.


Please note that long hair must be tied back for PE and earrings removed or taped.



If you intend to order name labels through myNametags, Stamptastic or Stitkins, please see the document below for a code that can be entered on checkout so that the PTA earns a commission without costing you anything more than you were already spending.
